Ein Kurs in Medialität! Jetzt entdecken – Sue Dhaibi

My first Book "Mit dem Jenseits kommunizieren" has been published on Anasata, Randomhouse


“Mit dem Jenseits kommunizieren-
Ein Kurs in Medialität” by Sue Dhaibi
220 Pages / German

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Mediumship ability is not a mystery. It is not a talent one has or does not have, rather it follows definite principles that can be learned by anyone!” Sue Dhaibi is an afterlife medium, a mediator between the seen and unseen worlds. In a very sympathetic, down-to-earth way she reveals that establishing contact with the deceased is a completely natural endeavour and is something anyone can accomplish. All you need is the proper procedure, a little practice, and a strong instinct about yourself and your limitations.With this comprehensive practical program you will learn how to become aware of your connection to the spiritual world and to use it to benefit yourself and others –to contact loved ones again and to receive advice, comfort, support, and guidance for your own life.


ab 02.05. “Spiritual Development Class ONLINE 2024/2”

Willkommen zu unserer Online-Übungsgruppe "Spiritual Development Class", die an fünf Donnerstagabenden von Mai bis Juli 2024 stattfindet.

04. + 05.05.24 “Die Sprache der Geistigen Welt”

In diesem Seminar wirst du die Gelegenheit haben, die Kunst der Verbindung zum Jenseits zu erlernen und zu vertiefen.

25. + 26.05.24 “Trainiere deine Intuition und Sensitivität ONLINE”

Erlebe die spektakulären Fähigkeiten deines Bewusstseins und die intuitiven Fähigkeiten deiner Seele! An diesem Workshop wirst Du in die Tiefe deiner multidimensionalen Fähigkeiten geführt.